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Here is the balance of the photos. Some include the Cuban Diplomatic Hierarchy (feeding their faces while the Noble Cuban Population is starving to death), Elian, Juan Miguel, his wife and Elian's half baby brother. Please, excuse the quality of some of the photos, but there wasn't any time to prepare for this event.

Notice the Cuban "diplomats" in control of everything. During the brief moments Elian was allowed to be outside the house, he was constantly followed by one or two "operatives". He was never let any further than two steps away from his "handlers" and "watchers". The house where this affair took place is a private residence owned by a Santeria Babalao, not a Cuban Diplomat as some have stated.

Also notice to the right of photo number 2 one of the colorful drums standing on the grass and partially blocked by the fence. In photo number 11 (the one with Elian's head cricled in red) he is kneeling while holding something in his hands. The area directly in front of him is the area where the drummer(s) and musician's were located while chanting Ancient Yoruban Music also known in Cuba as "Toques de Santo". Some of those in attendance were dancing to the Bembe Music.

I have a couple of questions: What was Elian doing in there? Whatever happened to the happy, carefree smiling kid we became so used to and enjoyed watching while he was playing with Marisleysis, Uncle Lazaro and his other relatives? Why is Elian so sad looking? Is this sadness the reason they are keeping this kid away from the public? It is pretty obvious that Elian, while surrounded by countless people is completely detached from the event. On the 13th photo of this set, Elian can be seen being sent back into the house, notice the index finger of the man pointing to the side door of the house, while the other "operative" follows him closely (the one with the blue shirt, black pants & white sneakers). That man is one of the Cuban Interests Section "spokespersons". I have seen on TV several times speaking on Castro's behalf. He appears in some of the other photos as well.

One thing I will have to say about Juan Miguel, the man likes to drink like a fish and smokes like a chimney and he is shorter and fatter in person than on TV. American beer, cigarrettes and food must be pretty good tasting if he indulges the way he was doing while we were able to watch him.

Elian playing with friend
Elian jugando con un amiguito

Elian being watched
Elian es vigilado constantemente

Elian playing?
Esta Elian jugando en esta foto?

Juan Miguel and Cuban Interests Section operative
Juan Miguel y operativo de la Seccion de Intereses Cubanos

Juan Miguel and wife
Juan Miguel y su esposa

Juan Miguel and Cuban Interests Section operatives
Juan Miguel y operativos de la Seccion de Intereses Cubanos

Cuban Interests Section chief and spokesperson
El jefe de la Seccion de Intereses Cubanos y su vocero

Juan Miguel and Cuban Interests Section Chief
Juan Miguel y el jefe de la Seccion de Intereses Cubanos

Juan Miguel playing Dominoes with Cuban Interests Section Personnel
Juan Miguel jugando al domino con el personal de la Seccion de Intereses Cubanos

Juan Miguel with Camcorder (the two young men in the foreground are the Santero's sons)
Juan Miguel tomando peliculas de su hijo y su esposa (los dos hombres que se ven en la parte frontal de la foto son hijos del Santero)

Elian kneeling
Elian arrodillado

Is this what a 'happy' kid should look like? The man being pointed by the arrow is the "host" of the Santeria shindig
Cree usted que sea esta la expresion de un nino feliz y contento? La flecha indica el "anfitrion" del "evento Santero"

Elian being sent back to the house again. Notice index finger of the man giving the orders
Elian es ordenado de que entre a la casa (fijese en el dedo indice del hombre dando las ordenes)

Juan Miguel's wife and kid
La esposa de Juan Miguel y su hijo

Juan Miguel smoking and drinking
Juan Miguel bebiendo y fumando


From a Book Entitled 'THOUGHTS' by JOSE MARTI Apostle of Our Freedom and Cuban Patriot Comes This, His Thought on Socialism:

"Socialist ideology, like so many others, has two main dangers. One stems from confused and incomplete readings of foreign texts, and the other from the arrogance and hidden rage of those who, in order to climb up in the world, pretend to be frantic defenders of the helpless so as to have shoulders on which to stand."
Jose Marti





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